AGM 2025
Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Dipton Community Association will be held at Dipton Jubilee Centre, Front Street, Dipton, DH9 9DR, on Thursday 6th March 2025, at 7pm to conduct the following business: AGENDA1. Welcome address by the Chair2. Apologies3. Minutes of the previous AGM4. Matt...
February 17, 2025New term of classes for Kalma Life
The first term of classes start at the Centre on 3rd February. Classes are toddler yoga, baby yoga and baby massage.Fay will be joined by her newly named demo baby Willow on their 3 week mini term and also after the half term break....Head to to book your space...
February 2, 2025We need you!!!
We are still looking for volunteers to help us run events for the community, if this is something you would be interested in, then please get in touch!!! E-mail us via
February 2, 2025Coffee Mornings
Following the success of our Trustee Margaret Anderson's Coffee Morning, she is finding it increasingly difficult to carry on every week, so has decided she will do it fortnightly. So to avoid any disappointment Daphne and Lorraine will be doing it the opposite weeks to Margaret. Meaning that it will still carry on weekly 10am-12midday. ...
February 2, 2025Annual General Meeting of Dipton Community Association
June 10, 2024Easter Fair
Not long to go until our Easter Fair at Dipton Jubilee Centre.FREE ENTRYREFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN OUR TEAROOM. Teas / coffees / breakfast buns / pulled pork and stuffing sandwiches, home-made sausage rolls and easter bakes.We will be running a raffle and tombola with some wonderful prizesStalls joining us on the day - home-made cards, knitted items, fundraiser for CHUF, craft stalls, bath bombs, plants, tropic skincare, Amanda's kitchen are joining us with their delicious goodies, jewell...
March 15, 20242023 AGM NOTICE
Notice of Annual General MeetingNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Dipton Community Association will be held at Dipton Jubilee Centre, Front Street, Dipton, DH9 9DR, on Tuesday 7th March, 2023, at 7pm to conduct the following business:AGENDAWelcome address by the ChairApologiesMinutes of the previous AGMMatters arising from the previous minutesReceive and adopt the annual report and audited financial statement for the year ending 31st December 2022Consider and approve the ...
February 7, 20232022 AGM Meeting
Notice of Annual General MeetingNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Dipton Community Association will be held at Dipton Jubilee Centre, Front Street, Dipton, DH9 9DR, on Tuesday 12th July, 2022, at 7pm to conduct the following business:AGENDAWelcome address by the ChairApologiesMinutes of the previous AGMMatters arising from the previous minutesReceive and adopt the annual report and audited financial statement for the year ending 31st December 2021Consider and approve the ...
June 12, 2022The countdown is on..........
On Friday 3rd June we are celebrating her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by hosting three FREE events throughout the day!! We have two 'street parties' where attendees will be able to enjoy an afternoon tea, music and lots of good old fashioned community spirit. We will have a bouncy castle and face painting available for the little ones. We have a very exciting village art project starting- where you will be able to participate in creating a piece of group artwork, which we will be displa...
May 30, 2022Take a look at our latest activities at our community centre...
We have lots of activities going on at our community centre during the classes, bingo, baby yoga and more! Take a look at our full schedule HERE...
April 29, 2022Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us with the organisation and running of events. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Margaret Curry via our contact page....
April 29, 2022 Posts 1-11 of 11 | Page